“复仇之心:觉醒”测试版(版本号:v2.00 alpha 2 patch 17a) 2001-2002 原创:DeathScythe & SilentX 2005-2007 改进:Myhrginoc(使 Alpha 2 适应 v1.10 版本) 2006-2007 汉化:horan 此文件用 12pt Fixedsys 或其它等宽字体浏览效果最佳 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | TFW:Awakening - a mod for Diablo II Lord of Destruction v1.10 | | 复仇之心:觉醒 - 暗黑破坏神2·毁灭之王 的一个另类修改模式  | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+   安装 ============   欢迎来到“复仇之心:觉醒”(TFW: The Awakening)!这个另类模式是 暗黑破坏神 2·毁灭之王 v1.10 正式版所专属的。主要下载档将包括运行这个另类模式的所有文件。也 请务必下载由“复仇之心”版面(位于 Phrozen Keep 论坛)所公布的积累升级补丁。   您应该已下载了两个 Zip 压缩文档:主要(大)下载档以及升级补丁。主要下载档包 括了原始的说明文档以及内含原始另类模式文件的 WinAce 自解压文档。(虽然 WinAce 的 压缩比要高于 Zip,但许多人并没有使用它,因此这个自解压文档是可以执行的)   请在您 暗黑破坏神2 的游戏安装目录下创建一个用于存放另类模式文件的文件夹。您 可以为这个文件夹取任何名称,但推荐使用“tfw”或者“awakening”。请把自解压文档复 制到该文件夹并运行。然后,(如果有)请将升级补丁内所有文件复制于此。(即使新文件 与旧文件的时间戳(timestamp)相同,也请请覆盖原始的 cubeops.dll,d2win.dll, fog.dll,skillprereq.dll 及 tfw.dll 文件。)   如果您安装了两套 暗黑破坏神2,请将本另类模式安装到 1.10 版本内。如果 Windows 注册表出错,则不要使用本另类模式附带的 VB 启动脚本,而请自行创建快捷方式 。   如发现任何错误请向位于 Phrozen Keep 论坛的“复仇之心”版面提交错误报告。我并 没有提供对 Maphack (及其后续系列)的支持,因此如果错误发生在您使用这些工具的时 候,请先将它们关掉再试试。   警告!本另类模式并不兼容 Mac 系统上的 暗黑破坏神2。我听说可以在 Mac 系统上使 用一些 Windows 模拟器,如 VirtualPC,这样一来也许就能运行 PC 版的 暗黑破坏神2 , 以及这个另类模式。   更多信息 ================ “复仇之心”官方论坛 - http://phrozenkeep.planetdiablo.gamespy.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=24 “复仇之心”官方网站 - http://ancients.planetdiablo.gamespy.com/ “复仇之心”玩家网站 - http://tfwfans.googlepages.com/main.htm   踏上征途 ================   复仇之心:觉醒(TFW: The Awakening)是 暗黑破坏神2·毁灭之王 v1.10 所专属的 。如果您此刻正运行其他版本的游戏,您必须先能将其设置为能从 v1.10 版本启动。为达 到多重启动,您必须具备各个版本的 game.exe,并将它们用不同名称命名。同时,您还必 须具备各个版本的 patch_D2.mpq 文件,以及各套完整的 DLL 文件。除了 game.exe 之外 ,本安装包含有所有运行 v1.10 游戏的文件。请您自行解决这一问题。如有疑问,请参看 Phrozen Keep 论坛上有关如何设置多版本启动的教学。   您可以使用本另类模式附带的启动脚本,或者自行创建快捷方式。当您在创建快捷方式 的时候,请将其指向游戏目录下 game.exe 文件(或者其它 1.10 版本的启动文件),并将 另类模式所在目录加入快捷方式的“起始位置”。创建快捷方式的启动文件必须能够支持“ -mod tfw”的命令行开关,否则将会启动一个不完整的“复仇之心”游戏(许多物品将会标 识成“ITH”,还会发生其它不可预测的问题。)   这里提供两种不同的启动脚本。如果您正在运行 v1.10 版本的游戏,并在游戏目录中 含有 v1.10 版本的 game.exe,请使用 110-LaunchTFW.vbs 脚本。其它情况请运行 111-LaunchTFW.vbs。第二个脚本默认你已在游戏目录含有一个名为“game110.exe”的 v1.10 多重启动文件。如果这个启动文件不是“game110.exe”,请在脚本中搜寻以下命令 行:  D2CmdLine = chr(34) & D2Path & "game110.exe" & chr(34) & "-direct -mod tfw"   并将“game110.exe”改为您的启动文件的名称『译者注:如 D2Loader.exe 或 Diablo II.exe』   作为检查,当您第一次启动 TFW 游戏之后,请查看调试文档(以D2yymmdd.txt 命名, “yymmdd”是当前日期)当启动成功,调试文档应该保存在另类模式文件夹下(而不是游戏 安装目录)!在接近顶端的地方,您应该能看见类似下文: 18:16:04.468 ------------------------------------------------------ 18:16:04.468 18:16:04.468 imagehlp.dll loaded for better stack crawls. 18:16:12.109 GemFix.dll loaded at 6FF30000 18:16:12.234 SkillPrereq.dll loaded at 6F800000 18:16:12.343 tfw.dll loaded at 6F6C0000 18:16:12.343 A valid load of TFW has been confirmed. 18:16:12.515 Opening GDI window at 640x480... 18:16:12.515 Low End Machine: FALSE 18:16:12.515 D2CMPSpriteCacheInit: 512000 18:16:12.515 ----------------------------------------------   请留意这段摘录的第七行“A valid load of TFW has been confirmed.”(确认完整 的“复仇之心”游戏成功载入),它说明所有所需的文件都成功载入。否则您将看到“An invalid load of TFW has been detected!”(检测到不完整的“复仇之心”游戏),或者 这一整行都不显示。请使用原始的“复仇之心”另类模式档案文件以及升级补丁!使用其它 版本,或来自其它来源的更新的版本都可能导致不可预测的问题。  PlugY 与多人连线的 TCP/IP 游戏 ==================================   目前已知的,有关 PlugY 插件带来的扩展的私人储物箱、共享储物箱与多人连线游戏 所产生的问题,我没有办法解决。这需要 PlugY 插件原作者 Yohann 的研究与更正。在一 个稳定的 PlugY 版本被发布之前,唯一的解决办法是在 PlugY 插件的配置文件 plugy.ini 中选一关闭,或同时关闭扩展的私人储物箱及共享储物箱。在另类模式的文件夹下打开该配 置文件,并找到以下的两行:     ActiveMultiPageStash=1     ActiveSharedStash=1 将这两行最后的“=1”改为“=0”并保存。这样一来,你将得到一个 10x10 的私人储物箱 ,还有扩大的赫拉迪克方块,以及物品栏用以保存您的物品。当您回到单人游戏的时候,再 将这两个选项恢复“=1”的状态,完全重新启动游戏,就能使用到拓展私人储物箱以及共享 储物箱了。每次当你将已经存在的人物关闭扩展储物箱时,请确保除了首页以外,其它页面 没有物品。我不能保证这么做一定行得通,但这是在 PlugY 插件原作者 Yohann 回到更新 之前唯一的建议。 『译者注:  汉化版本使用方法 ====================   首先请在“复仇之心”玩家网站下载最新版本的补丁(a2p17a)。然后,请在“复仇之 心”玩家网站下载包含中文版的档案文件。备份后,请解压覆盖本另类模式安装目录下的 tfw-patch.mpq。修改 PlugY 插件的配置文件 plugy.ini,找到以下一行:     SelectedLanguage=ENG 将这行最后的“=ENG”改为“=CHS”并保存。这样一来,重新启动游戏将会以中文显示。   请注意,本汉化仅为英文学习与交流只用,汉化测试版本存在问题请与我联系。 』     技能,技能卷轴 以及 技能之书 =====================================   复仇之心:元祖(TFW: The Ancients)『译者注:即“复仇之心:觉醒”的上代版本 ,活跃于 v1.09 时代』采用了独特的技能成长系统。每个角色在展开游戏的时候将会得到 相同的开始,不分职业:每种属性各 10 点(力量,敏捷,活力,精力),同样的装备,两 袋投掷药剂,两瓶轻微治疗药剂,以及赫拉迪克方块,没有任何起始技能。   当您升级的时候会根据您升级前的技能等级,获得一定数量的技能点。(如果该技能仅 有一级,此功能将不会启用)只要达到了最低需求,您可以将技能点分配到各个技能上。更 高级别的技能需求将会越来越高,详细情况将在鼠标停留在该技能时出现的说明中用紫色文 字标识。『译者注:技能等级的提升需要多个技能点』   不考虑装备附加技能,每个技能满级为 50 级。如果你想将你的职业的所有技能都升到 满级,那是不可能的。您可以尝试在每个技能投入少许技能点,看看是否符合你的游戏风格 ,然后再重点培养。   您在“复仇之心”世界中冒险的时候,记得要找寻“封皮”(Leather Cover)以及“ 技能卷轴”(Skill Scroll)。将一张封皮以及一个卷轴放在赫拉迪克方块中就能合成一本 “技能之书”(Skill Book)。它的作用就像护身符,这样,只要满足书中对技能的需求, 您就能使用它,不管它是否在你的技能树中!如果你找到相同技能的其它卷抽,就能将它与 技能之书合成更高级别的书卷。当你第一次合成技能之书的时候,将会附加别的属性。这些 属性在将书卷的升级过程中不再改变,因此如果你不喜欢这些属性,你就必须重新合成一本 。请留意,将技能之书每次升级将同时也会提升对技能的需求!只要找到足够的技能卷轴, 您最多能将一本技能之书升级到 15 级。但是,如果这个技能也存在于您的技能树上,您将 最多从书中得到 3 级的提升获益。(只要您将这本书交给别的没有学习这个技能的角色, 15 级的技能获益将依然有效)   每个职业的每种技能都有相应的技能卷轴以及技能之书!由于游戏暗含的机制,少数技 能无法被某些职业所使用。『译者注:如刺客的踢腿以及爪类技能』甚至当某些技能重合使 用时,有可能导致游戏出错退出。但在有限的时间内,我实在无法测试全部 1470 个技能的 组合。   只有在噩梦或者地狱难度中才能将技能之书的等级升至 5 级以上。   城镇变迁 ===============   商贩们将依旧扮演他们原先的角色,但您将发现他们变得异常吝啬。您唯有勤劳致富。 阿卡拉也干着老本行卖着辨识及回城道具,但它们现在叫做“知识苏打水”(Knowledge Soda)以及“召回苏打水”(Recall Soda)了。   『译者注:关于向商贩卖出物品价格极低这一点,本另类模式现任作者 Myhrginoc 在 论坛上的说明是“特意设定如此吝啬的卖价的”,“让我们生活在一个金钱得到它应有的重 视的暗黑世界中吧”,“当你得到亚特玛的感激(完成第二幕第一个任务)之后,这种情况 能得到一定好转”。orz』   赌博现在将完全按照等级来定价,因此没有固定的价格。而戒指与护身符也不再总是出 现。所有“复仇之心”游戏的装备都将有几率出现。   查看角色的状态栏,将会出现四个页面显示不同的统计数据。   现在,从卡夏那里你能获得四种不同类型的萝格雇用兵:火、冰、电、毒。其它的“雇 用兵代理”也会相应增加新的兵种,……但目前仅仅是白日梦。   为了延续“复仇之心”的主题,游戏的三种难度被改名为:“怒火中烧”(Anger Arising)、“狂暴之心”(Heart of Rage)、“无情复仇”(Unleashed Fury)。这些改 变将会出现在难度选择页面以及游戏中自动地图的右上角。    战场变迁 ====================   在本另类模式中,角色最高等级将能达到 200 级。对应游戏内部对于怪物最高 100 级 的限制,战斗机制以及经验惩罚将会调整至 100 级的角色将大致与 50 级的怪物相当。“ 狂暴之心”难度开始的“有效杀怪等级”(Effective Monster Level)是 90 级,而“无 情复仇”难度开始对应则是 140 级的角色等级。   雇用兵将紧随着角色升级,他们的等级与角色会很相近。雇用兵每级的状态会有所减弱 ,因为雇用兵也有更多的升级机会。『译者注:实践证明,截至最新的 a2p17 补丁为止, 游戏雇用兵的等级上限为 85 级。若超过此等级,重新启动游戏,雇用兵等级将回到 85 级 。此问题有待另类模式作者进一步改进。』   任务要求及任务对话都没有改动,除了赫拉迪克方块现在成为了起始装备。如果您不慎 遗失了方块,请移步死亡大厅第三层。赫拉迪克法杖、克林姆的意志 以及奶牛关的配方都 没有改变。   “/Players X”的命令现在能够增多到 127。但会有更多的怪物属性受到“/Players X ”的影响,不仅仅是生命和经验值。『译者注:换句话说,它们会更加强大』因此在使用高 数值的“/Players X”命令的时候请格外小心!这一模拟游戏玩家数字将会出现在游戏自动 地图的右上角。『译者注:此命令的调用方式是在游戏中按下回车输入的』   怪物密度将会比原始游戏稍稍增加,而且它们将会在距离小站及场景变换更加近的地方 出现。怪物们通过不同的方式已经得到了很大强化。   您将遇到很多新的独有老怪以及头目等级的怪物。头目的群落将比正常的游戏要大。   各种抗性的极限已经被清除了,包括抵抗魔法。   您可以重复进入秘密奶牛关,无论您是否已经将奶牛之王所杀。   到现在为止,在“复仇之心:元祖”(TFW: Ancients)中被修改的地域在“觉醒”中 并没有再现。同时“复仇之心”特有怪物们(包括那些独有原创的怪物们)都不再出现。这 些都是留待下一步将要做的,随着技能的不断完善,最终完成整个“觉醒”计划。部分原有 的地域已经改变了,有一些也仅仅标识出来,还要留待将来的版本中才会正式出现。   物品变迁 ================   复仇之心:元祖(TFW: Ancients)引入了许多新物品,以下为您全全介绍!我仅仅修 订了部分会在 v1.10 中导致意外的物品。所以,所有的 TFW 武器以及护甲、配方还有最激 动人心的“复仇宝石”(Fury Gem)都能为您所用!(在 Aplha 版本之后,我可能会编写 一个网站详尽说明套装以及独特装备,不过看来还早得很~)『译者注:这些资料可以在本 人制作的“复仇之心”玩家网站上找到,目前仅提供英文版本』少数名称被更改了(如“不 死之心”(Undead's Heart)-> “战士心石”(Champion Heartstone),“恶魔之心”( Demon's Heart)->“领袖心石”(Leader Heartstone)),因此请使用新的配方列表。   雇佣兵的独有装备并不是为玩家角色准备的『译者注:虽然暂时它们还能在角色身上呆 上一会儿』。在不久之后,这些装备将设定为无法被角色穿戴。不要过于迷恋你小弟身上的 装备嘛!   有些配方将会酌情增加物品所要求的等级。出现制作出你根本无法使用的物品是有可能 的!所以,当你尝试在同一个物品上叠加数个提升等级的配方时,要特别小心。   所有在 暗黑破坏神2 以及资料片 毁灭之王 v1.11 中的符文之语现在都能使用了,甚 至那些仅能在天梯模式中出现的符文之语。无法成功的事例仅出现在那些文件缺失『译者注 :多为版本问题』的玩家身上。此外,您还能使用“元祖”中出现的“复仇符文之语”( Fury Runewords)。目前,我还没有能将“元祖”中提及的“萃取”(Extractor)以及“ 扩展”(Augment)的符文之语实现,虽然有的商贩已经在销售使用它的“希腊符文”( Greek Runes)。   传统的宝石还是原先的紫宝石,红宝石,蓝宝石,绿宝石,黄宝石,钻石和骷髅。但是 使用它们的等级需求将会大幅提升!不同职业将受到不同宝石明显不同的影响。虽然到目前 为止,此另类模式仅仅增加了一点点特色,但是以后这一点将会得到明显的增强,如 对于专门技能的提升。   亚马逊  <--> 红宝石   刺客   <--> 紫宝石   野蛮人  <--> 黄宝石   德鲁伊  <--> 绿宝石   死灵法师 <--> 骷髅   圣骑士  <--> 钻石   法师   <--> 蓝宝石 『译者注:以下所有的合成配方资料可以在本人制作的“复仇之心”玩家网站上找到,目前 仅提供英文版本』    打孔及移除镶嵌 ==========================   在原始配方之外,还提供两组配方用以控制物品的凹槽数。一般的打孔配方适用于商贩 出售的物品以及从怪物身上得到的物品,但新的配方能让你突破这些局限。你甚至可以给已 经具有凹槽的物品打更多的凹槽,只要它们不是符文之语的物品。但是你只能利用能打出比 以前更多凹槽的配方。如,你可以将打三孔的配方使用在已经具有两个凹槽的物品上,而打 两孔或者一孔的配方将不起作用。你不能将空打在低品质的物品上,首先将它们提升至普通 品质才行。所有可穿戴的物品都能打孔,包括戒指以及护身符。打孔的数量不能超过物品在 物品栏中所占格数。放在物品栏中的护身符以及其它携带型物品不能打孔。以下是打孔配方 ,其中“X”为 1 到 6 之间的数:  普通物品 + X 战士心石 + 铁匠之锤 -> 具有 X 个凹槽的相同物品  加强物品 + X 战士心石 + 铁匠之锤 -> 具有 X 个凹槽的相同物品  魔法物品 + X 战士心石 + 铁匠之锤 -> 具有 X 个凹槽的相同物品  稀有物品 + X 战士心石 + 铁匠之锤 -> 具有 X 个凹槽的相同物品  手工物品 + X 领袖心石 + 铁匠之锤 -> 具有 X 个凹槽的相同物品  套装物品 + X 领袖心石 + 铁匠之锤 -> 具有 X 个凹槽的相同物品  独特物品 + X 领袖心石 + 铁匠之锤 -> 具有 X 个凹槽的相同物品   铁匠之锤(Blacksmith's Hammer)   有两种方法可以移除镶嵌:你可以在移除镶嵌物的时候使其完全消失,或者使用更加“ 昂贵”的配方让两者完全分离,恢复原样。这样镶嵌物就能用于别的凹槽物品上。以下是移 除镶嵌的配方,其中“X”为 1 到 6 之间的数:  带 X 凹槽的 普通物品 + X 水银罐 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物被摧毁   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留  带 X 凹槽的 加强物品 + X 水银罐 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物被摧毁   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留  带 X 凹槽的 魔法物品 + X 水银罐 + X 碎裂的骷髅 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物被摧毁   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留  带 X 凹槽的 稀有物品 + X 水银罐 + X 裂开的骷髅 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物被摧毁   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留  带 X 凹槽的 手工物品 + X 水银罐 + X 骷髅 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物被摧毁   此外 + 领袖心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留  带 X 凹槽的 套装物品 + X 水银罐 + X 无瑕疵的骷髅 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物被摧毁   此外 + 领袖心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留  带 X 凹槽的 独特物品 + X 水银罐 + X 完美的骷髅 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物被摧毁   此外 + 领袖心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留  任意 符文之语物品 + X 水银罐 + 2 战士心石 + 2 领袖心石 -> 相同物品,镶嵌物保留   水银罐(Mercury Pots)      屠魔数及功勋奖章 ====================================   在您角色状态栏的第二页,您将找到三个不同难度的“屠魔数”(Kill Counter)。当 您,或者您的仆从『译者注:雇佣兵、召唤、复活、反叛』们消灭一个怪物时,计数器将会 记录。而其它原因引起的怪物消亡将不会记录。(如 血乌 或 罗达门特 在被杀后放出魔法 所消灭的怪物)您在“复仇之心”世界中冒险的时候,您可能会偶然发现“成就图章”( Sigil of Achievement)。请好好收藏它们,就可以将它们利用配方合成更加高级的奖章( 一种特殊形式的护身符)。每种难度中,只要您的屠魔数达到一定数量,将图章与知识苏打 水以及召回苏打水用配方合成,您可以将其不断升级为一个更为强大的图章。只有空白的图 章会从怪物身上掉落,而高级图章只能通过合成而取得。以下是不同等级的奖章合成配方:  空白图章 + 知识苏打水 + 召回苏打水 @ 屠魔数 1 万 -> 万级图章  万级图章 + 知识苏打水 + 召回苏打水 @ 屠魔数 5 万 -> 五万图章  五万图章 + 知识苏打水 + 召回苏打水 @ 屠魔数 25 万 -> 二五图章  二五图章 + 知识苏打水 + 召回苏打水 @ 屠魔数 50 万 -> 五十图章  五十图章 + 知识苏打水 + 召回苏打水 @ 屠魔数 1 兆 -> 兆级图章     升级及降级配方 =============================   试图生成套装或独特物品的配方受到 暗黑破坏神2 的限制。如果升级失败(等级不够 或者该物品并不存在更高等级),您会得到一个降低级别而耐久度得到提升的物品。在 觉 醒 中,您依旧如在 元祖 中一样会使用宝箱(Chest)与钥匙(Key)进行升级。如果试图 生成独特物品失败,您会得到一个耐久度提升至 3 倍的稀有物品;而试图生成套装物品失 败,您将会得到一个耐久度提升至 2 倍的魔法物品。(这一点将无法在没有耐久性的物品 上得以体现。『译者注:比如弓箭』)请留意,套装以及独特物品有它们自己的物品等级, 如果您的等级不足够,您将会得到一个代替的魔法或者稀有物品。物品等级与使用物品所需 的等级并不一样,但是这是游戏固有的问题。  3 相同的 碎裂的宝石 -> 相同类型的 裂开的宝石  3 相同的 裂开的宝石 -> 相同类型的 普通的宝石  3 相同的 普通的宝石 -> 相同类型的 无瑕的宝石  3 相同的 无瑕的宝石 -> 相同类型的 完美的宝石  裂开的宝石 + 石块 -> 3 相同类型的 碎裂的宝石  普通的宝石 + 石块 -> 3 相同类型的 裂开的宝石  无瑕的宝石 + 石块 -> 3 相同类型的 普通的宝石  完美的宝石 + 石块 -> 3 相同类型的 无瑕的宝石  碎裂的(紫宝石 + 红宝石 + 蓝宝石 + 绿宝石 + 黄宝石 + 钻石)-> 碎裂的骷髅  裂开的(紫宝石 + 红宝石 + 蓝宝石 + 绿宝石 + 黄宝石 + 钻石)-> 裂开的骷髅  普通的(紫宝石 + 红宝石 + 蓝宝石 + 绿宝石 + 黄宝石 + 钻石)-> 普通的骷髅  无瑕的(紫宝石 + 红宝石 + 蓝宝石 + 绿宝石 + 黄宝石 + 钻石)-> 无瑕的骷髅  完美的(紫宝石 + 红宝石 + 蓝宝石 + 绿宝石 + 黄宝石 + 钻石)-> 完美的骷髅  任意 低质的物品 + 魔法宝箱 + 蓝色钥匙 = 同样类型的 魔法物品  任意 普通的物品 + 魔法宝箱 + 蓝色钥匙 = 同样类型的 魔法物品  任意 超强的物品 + 魔法宝箱 + 蓝色钥匙 = 同样类型的 魔法物品  任意 魔法物品 + 稀有宝箱 + 黄色钥匙 = 同样类型的 稀有物品  任意 稀有物品 + 套装宝箱 + 绿色钥匙 = 同样类型的 套装物品  任意 稀有物品 + 独特宝箱 + 金色钥匙 = 同样类型的 独特物品  任意 魔法物品 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 = 相同类型的 普通物品   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同类型的 加强物品  任意 稀有物品 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 = 相同类型的 普通物品   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同类型的 加强物品  任意 套装物品 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 = 相同类型的 普通物品   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同类型的 加强物品  任意 手工物品 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 = 相同类型的 普通物品   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同类型的 加强物品  任意 独特物品 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 = 相同类型的 普通物品   此外 + 战士心石 -> 相同类型的 加强物品 任意 低质武器或护甲 + 铁匠之锤 -> 相同类型的 普通物品 任意 普通武器或护甲 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 -> 相同类型的 加强物品   只要您的角色达到 50 级,而且身处“狂暴之心”或者“无情复仇”或者地狱难度,您 可以用下面的配方将一个“基本”(也就是“普通”)形式的武器或护甲升级至其高级形式 。在没有升级为普通或者更高等级之前,低质的物品无法直接升级为超强的。请留意,在升 级之后,物品的等级需求可能增加 25。另外,如果您想对同一物品使用“升级”还有“无 形”两个配方,请在“无形”配方之后再使用“升级”配方。  任意 高级武器 + 3 手工珠宝 + 2 手工超大护身符 + 独特戒指 -> 该武器的精英形式  任意 高级护甲 + 3 手工珠宝 + 2 手工超大护身符 + 独特护身符 -> 该武器的精英形式   并不存在从精英物品降级到高级装备,或从高级装备降级到普通物品的配方。   下面的配方能使您得到强大的无形物品。物品的属性将会重新产生,而物品所带的“复 仇宝石”(Fury Gem)的效果也将失效。如果您在已经升级为高级或者精英的,套装或者独 特物品使用“无形”配方,将会试图生成一个已经升级的,新的套装或者独特装备,而并非 您物品的无形版本。请一定要在使用“升级”配方之前使用“无形”配方。此配方亦会增加 使用物品所需等级,如下所示。  低质物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 + 重油 + 2 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的相同类型的 普通物品(+ 1 使用物品所需等级)  普通物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 + 重油 + 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的相同类型的 普通物品(+ 1 使用物品所需等级)  加强物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 普通宝箱 + 白色钥匙 + 重油 + 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的相同类型的 普通物品(+ 2 使用物品所需等级)  魔法物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 魔法宝箱 + 蓝色钥匙 + 重油 + 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的相同类型的 普通物品(+ 4 使用物品所需等级)  稀有物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 稀有宝箱 + 黄色钥匙 + 重油 + 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的相同类型的 普通物品(+ 8 使用物品所需等级)  手工物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 手工宝箱 + 橙色钥匙 + 重油 + 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的同类型的的 手工物品(+ 8 使用物品所需等级)  套装物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 套装宝箱 + 绿色钥匙 + 重油 + 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的同类型的的 手工物品(+16 使用物品所需等级)  独特物品 + 铁匠之锤 + 铁砧 + 独特宝箱 + 金色钥匙 + 重油 + 陶瓷罐   -> 无形的相同类型的 普通物品(+16 使用物品所需等级)  无形物品 + Zod 符文 + 铁砧 + 铁匠之锤   -> 相同物品,无法破坏(+32 使用物品所需等级)   铁砧(Anvil),重油( Black Oil),陶瓷罐(Ceramic Pot)    垃圾收集 ==================   在漫漫征途上,您会收集到一大堆魔法戒指、护身符以及珠宝。如果您不想将它们售卖 给吝啬的商贩们,以下的配方能帮助您减少负担。生成新物品的属性将受到您等级的限制。   3 魔法戒指 (可以是 职业专属戒指) -> 魔法护身符(不会生成 职业专属护身符) 3 魔法护身符(可以是 职业专属护身符)-> 魔法戒指 (不会生成 职业专属戒指) 16 魔法戒指  -> 稀有戒指 (不会生成 职业专属戒指) 16 魔法护身符 -> 稀有护身符(不会生成 职业专属护身符) 16 魔法珠宝 -> 稀有珠宝 3 魔法超大型护身符 -> 魔法大型护身符 3 魔法大型护身符  -> 魔法小护身符 16 魔法小护身符   -> 稀有小护身符 9 魔法 亚马逊  专属戒指  + 普通的红宝石 -> 稀有 亚马逊  专属戒指 9 魔法 亚马逊  专属护身符 + 普通的红宝石 -> 稀有 亚马逊  专属护身符 9 魔法 刺客   专属戒指  + 普通的紫宝石 -> 稀有 刺客   专属戒指 9 魔法 刺客   专属护身符 + 普通的紫宝石 -> 稀有 刺客   专属护身符 9 魔法 野蛮人  专属戒指  + 普通的黄宝石 -> 稀有 野蛮人  专属戒指 9 魔法 野蛮人  专属护身符 + 普通的黄宝石 -> 稀有 野蛮人  专属护身符 9 魔法 德鲁伊  专属戒指  + 普通的绿宝石 -> 稀有 德鲁伊  专属戒指 9 魔法 德鲁伊  专属护身符 + 普通的绿宝石 -> 稀有 德鲁伊  专属护身符 9 魔法 死灵法师 专属戒指  + 普通的骷髅  -> 稀有 死灵法师 专属戒指 9 魔法 死灵法师 专属护身符 + 普通的骷髅  -> 稀有 死灵法师 专属护身符 9 魔法 圣骑士  专属戒指  + 普通的钻石  -> 稀有 圣骑士  专属戒指 9 魔法 圣骑士  专属护身符 + 普通的钻石  -> 稀有 圣骑士  专属护身符 9 魔法 女巫   专属戒指  + 普通的蓝宝石 -> 稀有 女巫   专属戒指 9 魔法 女巫   专属护身符 + 普通的蓝宝石 -> 稀有 女巫   专属护身符   如果您对稀有物品也感到生厌了,而您又拿它们没什么办法的时候,下面的配方也许能 帮到您。生成新的物品的属性将决定于您角色的等级。   3 稀有戒指 (可以是职业专属戒指) -> 稀有护身符(不会生成 职业专属护身符)   3 稀有护身符(可以是职业专属护身符)-> 稀有戒指 (不会生成 职业专属戒指)  10 稀有戒指  + 陶瓷罐 + 6 完美的骷髅 -> 独特戒指 (不会生成 职业专属戒指)  10 稀有护身符 + 陶瓷罐 + 6 完美的骷髅 -> 独特护身符(不会生成 职业专属护身符)   8 稀有 亚马逊  专属戒指  + 4 完美的红宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 亚马逊  专属戒指   8 稀有 亚马逊  专属护身符 + 4 完美的红宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 亚马逊  专属护身符   8 稀有 刺客   专属戒指  + 4 完美的紫宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 刺客   专属戒指   8 稀有 刺客   专属护身符 + 4 完美的紫宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 刺客   专属护身符   8 稀有 野蛮人  专属戒指  + 4 完美的黄宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 野蛮人  专属戒指   8 稀有 野蛮人  专属护身符 + 4 完美的黄宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 野蛮人  专属护身符   8 稀有 德鲁伊  专属戒指  + 4 完美的绿宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 德鲁伊  专属戒指   8 稀有 德鲁伊  专属护身符 + 4 完美的绿宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 德鲁伊  专属护身符   8 稀有 死灵法师 专属戒指  + 4 完美的骷髅  + 领袖心石 -> 独特 死灵法师 专属戒指   8 稀有 死灵法师 专属护身符 + 4 完美的骷髅  + 领袖心石 -> 独特 死灵法师 专属护身符   8 稀有 圣骑士  专属戒指  + 4 完美的钻石  + 领袖心石 -> 独特 圣骑士  专属戒指   8 稀有 圣骑士  专属护身符 + 4 完美的钻石  + 领袖心石 -> 独特 圣骑士  专属护身符   8 稀有 女巫   专属戒指  + 4 完美的蓝宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 女巫   专属戒指   8 稀有 女巫   专属护身符 + 4 完美的蓝宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 独特 女巫   专属护身符   您可以重生一个物品,这样您可能得到好的属性。当重生套装或独特物品的时候(如戒 指和护身符),您可能得到的与原先的物品不同。如果是职业专属的珠宝,重生后的基础类 型还是是相同的,除非另外说明。  套装武器  + 完美的绿宝石 + 完美的蓝宝石 -> 重生相同类型的 套装武器  套装护甲  + 完美的黄宝石 + 完美的红宝石 -> 重生相同类型的 套装护甲  套装戒指  + 完美的紫宝石 + 完美的钻石 + 完美的骷髅 -> 重生 套装戒指  套装护身符 + 完美的紫宝石 + 完美的钻石 + 完美的骷髅 -> 重生 套装护身符  3 套装戒指  -> 套装护身符(不会生成 职业专属护身符)  3 套装护身符 -> 套装戒指 (不会生成 职业专属戒指)  独特武器  + 完美的绿宝石 + 完美的蓝宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 重生相同类型的 独特武器  独特护甲  + 完美的黄宝石 + 完美的红宝石 + 领袖心石 -> 重生相同类型的 独特武器  独特戒指  + 完美的紫宝石 + 完美的钻石 + 完美的骷髅 + 领袖心石 -> 重生相同类型的 独特戒指  独特护身符 + 完美的紫宝石 + 完美的钻石 + 完美的骷髅 + 领袖心石 -> 重生相同类型的 独特护身符  3 独特戒指  -> 独特护身符(不会生成 职业专属护身符)  3 独特护身符 -> 独特戒指 (不会生成 职业专属戒指)   有太多看似无用的配料却没有足够的心石?心石来之不易,因此这些配方将会消耗大量 的配料。  12 蘑菇 + 12 石块 + 12 重油 + 烧瓶油 + 12 狼皮 -> 战士心石  60 战士心石 -> 领袖心石   蘑菇(Mushroom),石块(Rock),重油(Black Oil),   烧瓶油(Flasked Oil),狼皮(Wolfskin)   绝大部分 暗黑破坏神2 的其它配方都能继续使用,如下:  任意 魔法物品 + 3 任意 完美的宝石(含骷髅) -> 重生 魔法物品  任意 稀有物品 + 6 完美的骷髅 -> 重生 低等级 稀有物品  任意 稀有物品 + 完美的骷髅 + 乔丹之石 -> 重生 高等级 稀有物品  3 任意 治疗药剂 + 3 法力药剂 + 任意宝石 -> 全面恢复活力药剂  3 任意 治疗药剂 + 3 法力药剂 -> 恢复活力药剂  3 恢复活力药剂 -> 全面恢复活力药剂  魔法护身符 + 完美的(红宝石 + 紫宝石 + 黄宝石 + 绿宝石 + 钻石 + 蓝宝石)   -> 棱镜之护身符(+ 所有抗性)  魔法戒指 + 完美的红宝石 + 爆炸药剂 -> 深红之戒指(+ 抗火)  魔法戒指 + 完美的蓝宝石 + 溶解药剂 -> 钴之戒指(+ 抗寒)  魔法戒指 + 完美的黄宝石 + 恢复活力药剂 -> 珊瑚之戒指(+ 抗闪电)  魔法戒指 + 任意绿宝石 + 解毒药剂 -> 翠绿之戒指(+ 抗毒)  任意 斧类 + 任意 匕首 -> 普通等级 飞斧  任意 矛类 + 任意 箭矢 -> 普通等级 标枪  任意 剑类 + 3 碎裂的宝石 -> 相同类型 魔法 带凹槽 剑类  任意 魔法盾牌 + 任意 狼牙棒 + 2 任意的骷髅   -> 相同类型 尖刺的盾牌(+ 攻击者受到伤害)  任意 魔法剑类 + 4 治疗药剂 + 任意红宝石   -> 相同类型 妖巫的剑类(+ 生命于击中时偷取)  任意 波形刀 + 任意 法棍 + 任意 腰带 + 任意钻石 -> 野蛮之长柄武器(+ 增强伤害)  勒颈瓦斯药剂 + 治疗药剂 -> 解毒药剂  2 箭矢(非自动恢复数量)-> 十字弓弹(非自动恢复数量)  2 十字弓弹(非自动恢复数量)-> 箭矢(非自动恢复数量)   复仇宝石 - 好康介绍 ==========================   您的发现中可能会包括一些奇特的矿石:它们用紫色标识,而且属性类似宝石。这些就 是“复仇宝石”(Fury Gem),是 复仇之心 最大的特点。这些复仇宝石可以嵌入凹槽,也 能用于一定的符文之语,但它们真正的强大之处在于增强物品的属性。每个复仇宝石拥有一 种属性可以适用于某种或某几种类型的物品,就像 暗黑破坏神2 中的传统宝石。但是如果 把复仇宝石与类型适合的物品放到赫拉迪克方块中进行转换,该复仇宝石的属性将永久地加 入到物品上!通过不断增加复仇宝石,您能够逐渐加强物品的不同属性。单个物品上最多能 增加 25 个左右的属性。如果您给物品增加了过于复杂的属性,游戏可能会变得不稳定而容 易死机。增加相同的复仇宝石,您能累积加强该属性,直到属性的限制。请明智选择您的复 仇宝石。   复仇宝石仅能与普通、超强、魔法、稀有以及手工的物品通过赫拉迪克方块融合。   在 复仇之心 中,按照宝石等级,总共有 75 种复仇宝石。您能将三个相同的复仇宝石 通过方块合成更高等级的宝石。但是复仇宝石的升级并不像一般宝石,打个比方,就像将三 个碎裂的紫宝石合成一个裂开的红宝石。   在位于 Phrozen Keep 的 复仇之心 官方论坛上,已经建立了一个涵盖许多方面的介绍 复仇宝石的数据库。『译者注:关于复仇宝石的图文资料可以在本人制作的“复仇之心”玩 家网站上找到,目前仅提供英文版本』  符文与符文之语 ===================   在符文金字塔的尖端,新增了一个叫做“斯基”(Ski)的符文。通过赫拉迪克方块, 您能不断合成高级的符文,不过随着符文等级的升高,合成的难度不断增大。您也可以将符 文降级,不过这样一来,您只能得到一个降级之后的符文。在后面的“符文之语”列表中所 标示的“未来之语”条目,属于还未实现的符文析出系统。“itype”栏目表示可以使用符 文之语的物品的类别(有的按照具体种类,如锤类;有的按照功用)。其中“流亡”这个符 文之语后标注的类型是“圣骑士”,代表圣骑士专用的盾。   2 符文(r01 至 r10)-> 更高符文(r02 至 r11)   3 符文(r11 至 r20)-> 更高符文(r12 至 r21)   4 符文(r21 至 r28)-> 更高符文(r22 至 r29)   5 符文(r29 至 r33)-> 更高符文(r30 至 r34)   符文(r02 至 r34) + 石块 + 铁匠之锤 -> 更低符文(r01 至 r33)   符文之语可以用在普通、超强以及魔法物品上。 符文之语 符文或复仇宝石 itype1 itype2 itype3 古代人的契約 RatOrtTal 盾牌 古代人的契約 * 未来之语 * 盾牌 天启 * f43/f19/f18 近战 黑色 * 未来之语 * 棍类 锤类 钉锤类 黑色 ThulIoNef 棍类 锤类 钉锤类 白骨 SolUmUm 盔甲 使命的约束 DolUmBerIst 盔甲 野薔薇 RalOhmSurEth 盔甲 烙印 JahLoMalGul 远程 死亡呼吸 VexHelElEldZodEth 武器 戰爭召喚 AmnRalMalIstOhm 武器 沌頓 FalOhmUm 爪类 協作 * f50/f72/f49 盔甲 新月 ShaelUmTir 斧类 剑类 长柄类 死神 HelElVexOrtGul 剑类 斧类 迪勒瑞姆 LemIstIo 头盔 毀滅 VexLoBerJahKo 长柄类 剑类 末日 HelOhmUmLoCham 斧类 长柄类 锤类 飛龍 SurLoSol 盔甲 盾牌 夢境 IoJahPul 头盔 盾牌 強制 ShaelUmThul 盔甲 邊緣 TirTalAmn 远程 謎團 JahIthBer 盔甲 教化 PulRalSur 盔甲 永恆 AmnBerIstSolSur 近战 流亡 VexOhmIstDol 圣骑士 信心 OhmJahLemEld 远程 饑荒 FalOhmOrtJah 斧类 锤类 剛毅 ElSolDolLo 武器 盔甲 狂怒 * 未来之语 * 近战 狂怒 JahGulEth 近战 幽暗 FalUmPul 盔甲 正義之手 SurChamAmnLo 武器 和諧 TirIthSolKo 远程 橡樹之心 KoVexPulThul 法杖类 钉锤类 神聖雷擊 * 未来之语 * 权杖类 神聖雷擊 EthRalOrtTal 权杖类 榮耀 * 未来之语 * 近战 榮耀 AmnElIthTirSol 近战 冰凍 AmnShaelJahLo 远程 無限 BerMalBerIst 长柄类 洞察 RalTirTalSol 长柄类 法杖类 王者的慈悲 AmnRalThul 剑类 权杖类 王者的慈悲 * 未来之语 * 剑类 权杖类 拭王者 MalUmGulFal 剑类 斧类 最後希望 JahMalJahSurJahBer 剑类 锤类 斧类 執法者 AmnLemKo 剑类 锤类 权杖类 葉子 TirRal 法杖类 葉子 * 未来之语 * 法杖类 獅子心 * 未来之语 * 盔甲 獅子心 HelLumFal 盔甲 知識 * 未来之语 * 头盔 腰带 知識 OrtSol 头盔 腰带 怨恨 * 未来之语 * 近战 怨恨 IthElEth 近战 旋律 * 未来之语 * 远程 旋律 ShaelKoNef 远程 記憶 LumIoSolEth 法杖类 記憶 * 未来之语 * 法杖类 神話 HelAmnNef 盔甲 天底 NefTir 头盔 天底 * 未来之语 * 头盔 誓約 ShaelPulMalLum 剑类 斧类 钉锤类 遵從 HelKoThulEthFal 长柄类 熱情 DolOrtEldLem 武器 啪噠 TalOrtTir 爪类 和平 ShaelThulAmn 盔甲 鳳凰 VexVexLoJah 武器 盾牌 瘟疫 ChamFalUm 武器 驕傲 ChamSurIoLo 长柄类 原理 RalGulEld 盔甲 謹重 MalTir 盔甲 煉獄 * f32/f05/f06/f67 盔甲 光輝 NefSolIth 头盔 光輝 * 未来之语 * 头盔 降雨 OrtMalIth 盔甲 押韻 * 未来之语 * 盾牌 押韻 ShaelEth 盾牌 裂縫 HelKoLemGul 长柄类 权杖类 聖堂 KoKoMal 盾牌 寂靜 * 未来之语 * 武器 寂靜 SolEldHelIstTirVex 武器 煙霧 * 未来之语 * 盔甲 煙霧 NefLum 盔甲 精神 TalThulOrtAmn 剑类 盾牌 燦爛 EthLum 盾牌 隱密 TalEth 盔甲 靴子 隱密 * 未来之语 * 盔甲 靴子 鋼鐵 TirEl 剑类 斧类 钉锤类 鋼鐵 * 未来之语 * 剑类 斧类 钉锤类 石塊 ShaelUmPulLum 盔甲 力量 * 未来之语 * 近战 手套 力量 AmnTir 近战 手套 野獸 BerTirUm 斧类 权杖类 锤类 腐坏者 * f30/f08 头盔 腰带 背信 ShaelThulLem 盔甲 毒牙 * 未来之语 * 武器 毒牙 TalDolMal 武器 財富 * 未来之语 * 盔甲 財富 LemKoTir 盔甲 白色 * 未来之语 * 骨杖 白色 DolIo 骨杖 寡妇制造者 EthTirLoMalRal 剑类 斧类 輕風 SurEl 近战 冬日 LemKoElEld 剑类 钉锤类 憤怒 PulLumBerMal 远程 和風 OrtEth 远程 和風 * 未来之语 * 远程 宙斯 * f35/f25 武器 手套 『译者注:关于符文,以及复仇宝石组成的符文之语的图文资料可以在本人制作的“复仇之 心”玩家网站上找到,目前仅提供英文版本』  套装与套装物品 ==================   所有原始版 暗黑破坏神2 及 毁灭之王 的套装依然在游戏中,但它们的属性为了适合 本另类修改模式做了相应的调整。(主要是减少等级需求)此外,还有以下复仇套装。当你 完成整套之后可有巨大惊喜哦! 亚马逊 刺客 野蛮人 ------ ---- ------ 族人的女主 禪學大師 馬道克的憎惡 大麗花的優雅 誘捕 亞瑞特的莫西干人 熾天使加百利的英雄事跡 利爪蝮蛇 元祖英靈 德鲁伊 死灵法师 圣骑士 ------ -------- ------ 隱士 毒血 阿理斯托的榮耀 部落的靈魂 不潔套裝 大天使的重擊 元素之力 毒骨 阿拉貢的神殿 法师 ---- 拉丁的讚歌 費歐娜的遺產 萊拉的戰鬥裝備 非职业专属 雇佣兵 ---------- ------ 旅者之行裝 卡夏的權利 雅典娜的敵手 格雷玆的勇氣 遊俠的同盟 艾席拉的鐵狼 老手遮篷 夸爾凱克的英勇 女伯爵的珍寶 『译者注:关于绿色套装的图文资料可以在本人制作的“复仇之心”玩家网站上找到,目前 仅提供英文版本』  手工物品配方 ================ TFW has all the original Diablo II v1.09x crafting recipes and many more developed for the Ancients mod. any rare amazon bow + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect ruby -> crafted amazon bow, +1 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +100% any rare amazon bow + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect rubies -> crafted amazon bow, +2 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +150% any rare amazon bow + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect rubies -> crafted amazon bow, +3 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +200% any rare amazon javelin + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect ruby -> crafted amazon javelin, +1 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +100% any rare amazon javelin + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect rubies -> crafted amazon javelin, +2 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +150% any rare amazon javelin + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect rubies -> crafted amazon javelin, +3 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +200% any rare amazon spear + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect ruby -> crafted amazon spear, +1 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +100% any rare amazon spear + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect rubies -> crafted amazon spear, +2 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +150% any rare amazon spear + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect rubies -> crafted amazon spear, +3 to amazon skills, enhanced damage +200% any rare claws + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect amethyst -> crafted claws, +1 to assassin skills, enhanced damage +100% any rare claws + Crafting Chest + Orange Key+ 2 perfect amethysts -> crafted claws, +2 to assassin skills, enhanced damage +150% any rare claws + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect amethysts -> crafted claws, +3 to assassin skills, enhanced damage +200% any rare primal helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect topaz -> crafted primal helm, +1 to barbarian skills, enhanced defense +100% any rare primal helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect topazes -> crafted primal helm, +2 to barbarian skills, enhanced defense +150% any rare primal helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect topazes -> crafted primal helm, +3 to barbarian skills, enhanced defense +200% any rare druid pelt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 1 perfect emerald -> crafted item +1 to druid skills, enhanced defense +100% any rare druid pelt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect emeralds -> crafted item +2 to druid skills, enhanced defense +150% any rare druid pelt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect emeralds -> crafted item +3 to druid skills, enhanced defense +200% any rare voodoo head + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect skull -> crafted voodoo head, +1 to necromancer skills, enhanced defense +100% any rare voodoo head + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect skulls -> crafted voodoo head, +2 to necromancer skills, enhanced defense +150% any rare voodoo head + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect skulls -> crafted voodoo head, +3 to necromancer skills, enhanced defense +200% any rare auric shield + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect diamond -> crafted auric shield, +1 to paladin skills, enhanced defense +100% any rare auric shield + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect diamonds -> crafted auric shield, +2 to paladin skills, enhanced defense +150% any rare auric shield + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect diamonds -> crafted auric shield, +3 to paladin skills, enhanced defense +200% any rare orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect sapphire -> crafted orb, +1 to sorceress skills, enhanced damage +100% any rare orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect sapphires -> crafted orb, +2 to sorceress skills, enhanced damage +150% any rare orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect sapphires -> crafted orb, +3 to sorceress skills, enhanced damage +200% magical orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + mushroom + perfect sapphire -> crafted orb, +40% increased attack speed, increase mana 20-40, damage 200-250% rare orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + mushroom + 3 perfect sapphires -> crafted orb, +2/+3 to sorceress skills, mana per kill 10-20, damage 250-300%, indestructible Gidbinn + 2 perfect skulls + mushroom + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> crafted stiletto, +2 to necromancer skills, +40% increased attack speed, + damage 500%, +1% deadly strike per level, +5 Poison Dagger skill rare weapon + Feldspar fury gem + 3 Ohm runes + 3 perfect skulls + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon, +40% increased attack speed, damage 250%-300%, indestructible rare weapon + Ceramic Pot + Crafting chest + Orange Key + perfect skull -> crafted weapon, +40% increased attack speed, enhanced damage 200%-350% colossus sword + Crafting chest + Orange Key + Ohm rune + Lo rune -> crafted colossus sword, +40% IAS, enhanced damage 250%-300%, +0.75% deadly strike per level any weapon + 3 perfect sapphires + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon, 300-400 cold damage for 4 seconds any weapon + 3 perfect rubies + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon, 600-800 fire damage any weapon + 3 perfect topazes + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon, 20-2000 lightning damage any weapon + 3 perfect emeralds + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon, 900 poison damage over 6 seconds any weapon + 3 perfect amethysts + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon, 200-300 magic damage any weapon + 3 perfect diamonds + 3 perfect skulls + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon, 300-400 fire damage, 150-200 cold damage for 4 seconds, 10-1000 lightning damage, + 300-450 poison damage over 6 seconds, 100-150 magic damage rare armor + Crafting chest + Orange Key + Zod rune -> crafted armor, enhanced defence 200%-300%, +50% resist all, +30% faster hit recovery rare armor + Wolfskin + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted armor, enhanced defence 250%-300% rare ring + perfect skull + perfect sapphire + Ore fury gem + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted ring, 4%-7% mana steal rare ring + perfect skull + perfect ruby + Citrine fury gem + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted ring, 4%-7% life steal unique ring + Sur rune + Zod rune + mushroom + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted ring, +1/+2 to all skills, +2 to necromancer skills, +50% to mana, +50% faster cast unique amulet + Sur rune + Zod rune + mushroom + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted amulet, +1/+2 to all skills, +3 to necromancer skills, +50% to mana, +50% faster cast unique ring + rock + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted ring, +1 to all skills, + 15%-20% resist all unique amulet + rock + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted amulet, +1 to all skills, + 30%-40% resist all 3 unique rings + 3 perfect skulls + 1 Zod rune + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted ring, mana steal 6-10, life steal 6-10, +1/+2 to all skills 3 unique amulets + 3 perfect skulls + 1 Zod rune + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted amulet, mana steal 6-10, life steal 6-10, +1/+2 to all skills rare jewel + Eld rune + Pul rune + Ceramic Pot + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, +200% damage to demons and undead, +200 attack vs demons or undead rare jewel + Mal rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, prevent monster heal, monster defense reduced by 10, rest in peace rare jewel + Gul rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, +20% bonus to attack rating, +5% maximum poison resistance rare jewel + Vex rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, +20% crushing blow, +5% maximum fire resistance rare jewel + Lo rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, +20% deadly strike, +5% maximum lightning resistance rare jewel + Sur rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, hit blinds target, + 5% maximum mana, +50 to mana, +7% mana steal rare jewel + Ber rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, damage reduced by 8%, magic damage reduced by 7, +5% maximum magic resistance rare jewel + Jah rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, slow target by 25%, +5% maximum life, +50 to life, +7% life steal rare jewel + Cham rune + Ceramic Pot + leader heartstone + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted jewel, freeze target, cannot be frozen, +5% maximum cold resistance rare jewel + pRuby + pSapphire + pTopaz + pEmerald + pAmethyst + Ceramic Pot -> elemental jewel, 55% chance of 50-150 fire damage appearing on the jewel, + 55% chance of 50-100 cold damage for 2 seconds appearing on the jewel, + 55% chance of 20-250 lightning damage appearing on the jewel, + 55% chance of 50-150 poison damage over 1 second appearing on the jewel, + 55% chance of 50-100 magic damage appearing on the jewel Ear + mushroom + perfect skull + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> large charm, +25% magic find, +200% gold from monsters rare small charm + (Amber + Talc + Gypsum + Calcite) fury gems + Ceramic Pot -> crafted small charm, 5-30 fire damage, 5-15 cold damage for 2 seconds, 1-50 lightning damage, + 5-30 poison damage over 1 second rare large charm + (Amber + Talc + Gypsum + Calcite) fury gems +2 Ceramic Pots -> crafted large charm, 15-70 fire damage, 15-40 cold damage for 3 seconds, 10-120 lightning damage, + 30-80 poison damage over 2 seconds rare grand charm + (Amber + Talc + Gypsum + Calcite) fury gems +3 Ceramic Pots -> crafted grand charm, 50-150 fire damage, 40-100 cold damage for 4 seconds, 30-250 lightning damage, + 45-120 poison damage over 3 seconds any grand charm + Pul rune + Eld rune + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, 200% dmg to Demons/Undead, +200 Attack vs Demon/Undead any grand charm + Mal rune + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, prevent monster heal, monster defense reduced by 10, rest in peace any grand charm + Gul r25 + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, +20% bonus to attack rating, +5% maximum poison resistance any grand charm + Vex r26 + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, +20% crushing blow, +5% maximum fire resistance any grand charm + Lo r28 + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, +20% deadly strike, +5% maximum lightning resistance any grand charm + Sur r29 + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, hit blinds target, + 5% maximum mana, +50 to mana, +7% mana steal any grand charm + Ber r30 + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, damage reduced by 8%, magic damage reduced by 7, +5% maximum magic resistance any grand charm + Jah r31 + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, slow target by 25%, +5% maximum life, +50 to life, +7% life steal any grand charm + Cham r32 + Flasked Oil + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> crafted grand charm, freeze target, cannot be frozen, +5% maximum cold resistance any amazon spear + perfect skull + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> crafted amazon spear, +2 to amazon skills, +2 to javelin and spear skills, +40% IAS, + damage 250%-300%, +1% deadly strike per level any amazon javelin + perfect skull + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> crafted amazon javelin, +2 to amazon skills, +2 to javelin and spear skills, +40% IAS, + damage 250%-300%, +1% deadly strike per level any rare spear-class weapon + perfect skull + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> crafted weapon of same type, damage 250-300%, +2 to barbarian combat skills, +40% IAS any unique ring + 5 perfect skulls + Zod rune + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> crafted ring, +1/+2 to necromancer skills, +50% faster cast, +10-20 mana after kill, + mana regeneration 25-50%, life regeneration 10-15 any rare helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> crafted helm, +1/+2 to all skills, 10-15 resist all, magic find 30-50, magic dmg reduced by 10-15 any rare armor + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> crafted armor, +1/+2 to all skills, 25-40 resist all, magic find 30-50, +30% faster hit recovery any rare boots + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> crafted boots, +1 to all skills, resist all 10-15, magic find 30-50, +30% faster walk/run any rare gloves + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> crafted gloves, +1 to all skills, resist all 10-15, magic find 30-50, +20% IAS any rare belt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> crafted belt, +1 to all skills, resist all 10-15, magic find 30-50, damage reduced by 10-15% Blizzard's crafting recipes work on normal, exceptional and elite versions of the listed item type. magic full helm + jewel + Ith run + perfect sapphire -> hitpower helm magic chain boots + jewel + Ral rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower boots magic chain gloves + jewel + Ort rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower gloves magic heavy belt + jewel + Tal rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower belt magic gothic shield + jewel + Eth rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower shield magic field plate + jewel + Nef rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower body armor magic amulet + jewel + Thul rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower amulet magic ring + jewel + Amn rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower ring magic blunt + jewel + Tir rune + perfect sapphire -> hitpower weapon magic helm + jewel + Ral rune + perfect ruby -> blood helm magic light plated boots + jewel + Eth rune + perfect ruby -> blood boots magic heavy gloves + jewel + Nef rune + perfect ruby -> blood gloves magic belt + jewel + Tal rune + perfect ruby -> blood belt magic spiked shield + jewel + Ith run + perfect ruby -> blood shield magic plate mail + jewel + Thul rune + perfect ruby -> blood body armor magic amulet + jewel + Amn rune + perfect ruby -> blood amulet magic ring + jewel + Sol rune + perfect ruby -> blood ring magic axe + jewel + Ort rune + perfect ruby -> blood weapon magic mask + jewel + Nef rune + perfect amethyst -> caster helm magic boots + jewel + Thul rune + perfect amethyst -> caster boots magic leather gloves + jewel + Ort rune + perfect amethyst -> caster gloves magic light belt + jewel + Ith run + perfect amethyst -> caster belt magic small shield + jewel + Eth rune + perfect amethyst -> caster shield magic light plate + jewel + Tal rune + perfect amethyst -> caster body magic amulet + jewel + Ral rune + perfect amethyst -> caster amulet magic ring + jewel + Amn rune + perfect amethyst -> caster ring magic rod + jewel + Tir rune + perfect amethyst -> caster weapon magic crown + jewel + Ith run + perfect emerald -> safety helm magic plate boots + jewel + Ort rune + perfect emerald -> safety boots magic gauntlets + jewel + Ral rune + perfect emerald -> safety gloves magic sash + jewel + Tal rune + perfect emerald -> safety belt magic kite shield + jewel + Nef rune + perfect emerald -> safety shield magic breastplate + jewel + Eth rune + perfect emerald -> safety body magic amulet + jewel + Thul rune + perfect emerald -> safety amulet magic ring + jewel + Amn rune + perfect emerald -> safety ring magic spear + jewel + Sol rune + perfect emerald -> safety weapon Known Bugs and Peculiarities ============================ The rune extractor system from TFW: Ancients is still present, but there is no mechanism for changing these runes to magical or rare runes. It never worked as expected in the original mod (runes aren't jewels), but I won't remove the work DeathScythe & SilenTx went through to create this system until I cannot find a way to meet their intent. Extracted runes must be made, they don't drop, so don't make them and you won't know the difference. The skill descriptions do not turn white as long as unused skill points remain, even if there are no skills the points can be applied to, or not enough points to put into any skill. The red text has the current skill values, this is cosmetics and I'll address it later. The Hectic magical prefix increases the durability of a spear-class weapon. Because of the way the maxdurability stat works, the effects of the prefix do not show up as a separate line in the item description the way most affixes do. Look for an abnormally high durability if you see the prefix and nothing else. There are hardcoded limits of 27 passive skills, and 60 skills showing on the speedbar. Holding enough Books of Skill to exceed these limits will probably crash your game. The Hireling plugin has a few annoyances to watch for. You should always open the hireling pane and add equipment using the "paper doll" locations. Sometimes, if you have just acquired your hireling, you cannot equip anything: the item has a green background (permitted to use) but it doesn't snap into place. If this happens, start another game and you should see normal behavior. Occasionally the item snaps into place, but the next time you look it is not shown. Almost always, the item is still there but hidden. You can check by trying to substitute something else, and the hidden item comes away on your cursor. Arrows will serve to "release" a hidden bow. Dropping an item on the game screen icon can lose the item once and for all, so this method is strongly recommended against. Additional Credits ================== Yohann for PlugY. Version 5.06 is used as this mod will not work in Diablo II v1.11. SVR for the D2Mod system. D2Mod plugins I have used are: - CubeOps (by Myhrginoc) - CustomTBL (by afj666 and SVR) - ExtLvl (by afj666 and SVR) - GemFix (by Myhrginoc) - Inscribe (by Havvoric) - MercMod (by SVR and Baron Josh) - SkillPrereq (by Myhrginoc) DeathScythe and SilenTx for one of my favorite v1.09x mods, and permission (plus critical information) to convert the mod for v1.10. Too bad there is no d2mod for v1.11+ or we wouldn't stop here. GuyAskingQuestion for invaluable help with monsters, missiles and skills! Cheers!! Tsuru for the method used to make Sigils of Achievement truly unique. RicFaith for how to get additional rows in the speedbar. SVR for the cube code to completely remove sockets from an item. Joel Falcou, Riparious and Stargazer for inventory graphics used in TFW: Ancients. Paul Siramy for the amazing WinDS1 map editor. Horan for maintaining the tfwfans website and mirroring services. The community at the Phrozen Keep for much information and advice. All of you who play the mod, for comments and feedback and being the reason for a public release. Blizzard Entertainment for one helluva great game! Additional music came from the games Stonekeep and Daggerfall. Their time has passed in the gaming world, but their themes still provide great atmosphere. - Stonekeep ?995 Interplay Productions. - Daggerfall ?996 Bethesda Softworks. ********************************************************************************** * * * The ORIGINAL ReadMe from DeathScythe & SilenTx (from TFW: Ancients v1.02) * * (This information is provided for historical purposes only) * * * **********************************************************************************  The sections below are included for the benefit of TFW: Ancients players   who might be curious about what has changed with this new version.  Armor: ====== 1. Added new type of armors to give way for the new sets. 2. Lots of New Armors including their exceptional and Elite versions... 3. Added Hireling armors which is designed only for them. Their Durability=1 so dont attemp to wear those types... You can't even repair them to vendors.. 4. New sets added for armors... 5. Lots of new inventory item gfx for armors. Weapons: ======== 1. Added new type of weapons to give way for the new sets. 2. Added Hireling weapons which is designed only for them. Their Durability=1 so dont attemp to equip those types... Again you can't even repair them! 4. New sets added for weapons... 5. Lots of new inventory item gfx for weapons... * Added Tons of New Items (didn't remove any from original LoD items)... This way TFW is like an expansion of an expansion* duh?! *Thanks to Joel for some cool inventory graphics* How they differ from one another?? Well base AC and base damage of the items are alot better! and some of them has an automagic that doen't need to be magical to have magical powers... I'll try to list some of them... =Death Blades has an upgrading poison damage based on item level... =Flaming Sword and Burning Fists has an upgrading Fire damage... =Fossil Staves has an upgrading mana regen... =Katana has an upgrading Increase attack speed =Jagged Katar has an upgrading damage to undead =Bronze axes have damage to demons enhanced =Bended Arcs > upgrading attack rating =Elf Arcs > attack Rating to undead =Lethal Boots > upgrading kick damage/level =Demon Mask > Demon Heal =Crane Claws > upgrading chance to openwounds =Cloaks > upgrading faster run/walk =Auric Boots > all have an aura but only level 2 based on item level and a lot more... discover them all! Itemtypes: ========== Lots of new itemtypes. Lots of them can acquire skills like Orcish Boots for Barb, Lethal boots for Assn and a lot more... Difficulty: =========== The Fury Within Simulates 6 player game... all monsters has x6 HP. Slightly Increased Monster Density and increased their damage... Reduced Hp of Elder, Priestess and Butcher Experience: =========== Normal=x2, NM=x3 and Hell=x5 Max level was now clvl 100.. Reduced Exp. gain from Butcher, Priestesses and Elder Gems: ===== Original Gems are improved in terms of stats... Better see it for yourself... Fury Gems: ========== 1.Each Fury Gems has special powers that when you transmute to any item but with restrictions based from the powers they can have... You can create your own item... So more gems collected, more mods and stats for your favorite item... It will work in Normal, Magic and Rare items... 2.75 New Fury Gems That you can play with... 3.Restrict mods allowed to somewhat 35-40 (cant remember the exact) 4.You can now upgrade fury gems... Combine 3 of the same type and you'll get 1 higher lvl fury gems... 5.Since you can now socket them, We added rarity, level and lvl requirement... 6.How can I know if my fury gem can transmute to a Helm?? well, its pretty obvious if the Fgem doesn't have a property listed for helms then you can't combine it to your favorite helm... *Thanks to Riparious for Fury Gem Graphix* Runes: ====== 1. Added new type of Rune which is Higher than Zod...It is the Ski(r34) rune... 2. Runewords are now working! 3. Added New Magical and Rare Runes to customize or randomized Runewords! How??? If you didn't notice, Runes have a maximum of 5 different combinations: i.e. El Rune = 2 different mods (Weapon/Helm,Shield) Eld Rune = 3 different mods (Weapon/Helm/Shield) Tir Rune = 1 different mod (Weapon,Helm,Shield) and so on... So Here's the Logic... To extract the Weapon mod from El rune, you will need an Alpha Rune so the result will be... El Rune + Alpha Rune + Mercury Pot = Normal Ela Rune (with +1 to light rad and 50 to attack rating) to randomize the runewords, you have an option to make Magical or rare Ela Rune and gues what? the (+1 to light rad and 50 to attack rating) is always there as an automagic and use it in any runewords using El Rune for weapons such as Runeword "Honor". More randomized, more mods and more powerful runewords!!! Here are the Runes you can extract: El Rune (Weapon) Ela x01 El Rune (Helm, Shield) Eli x02 Eld Rune (Weapon) Elda x03 Eld Rune (Helm) Elde x04 Eld Rune (Shield) Eldo x05 Tir Rune (Weapon, Helm, Shield) Tiru x06 Nef Rune (Weapon) Nefa x07 Nef Rune (Helm, Shield) Nefi x08 Eth Rune (Weapon) Etha x09 Eth Rune (Helm, Shield) Ethi x10 Ith Rune (Weapon) Itha x11 Ith Rune (Helm, Shield) Ithi x12 Tal Rune (Weapon) Tala x13 Tal Rune (Helm) Tale x14 Tal Rune (Shield) Talo x15 Ral Rune (Weapon) Rala x16 Ral Rune (Helm) Rale x17 Ral Rune (Shield) Ralo x18 Ort Rune (Weapon) Orta x19 Ort Rune (Helm) Orte x20 Ort Rune (Shield) Orto x21 Thul Rune (Weapon) Thula x22 Thul Rune (Helm) Thule x23 Thul Rune (Shield) Thulo x24 Amn Rune (Weapon) Amna x25 Amn Rune (Helm, Shield) Amni x26 Sol Rune (Weapon) Sola x27 Sol Rune (Helm, Shield) Soli x28 Shael Rune (Weapon) Shaela x29 Shael Rune (Helm) Shaele x30 Shael Rune (Shield) Shaelo x31 Dol Rune (Weapon) Dola x32 Dol Rune (Helm, Shield) Doli x33 Hel Rune (Weapon) Hela x34 Hel Rune (Helm, Shield) Heli x35 Io Rune (Weapon, Helm, Shield) Iou x36 Lum Rune (Weapon, Helm, Shield) Lumu x37 Ko Rune (Weapon, Helm, Shield) Kou x38 Fal Rune (Weapon, Helm, Shield) Falu x39 Lem Rune (Weapon) Lema x40 Lem Rune (Helm, Shield) Lemi x41 Pul Rune (Weapon) Pula x42 Pul Rune (Helm, Shield) Puli x43 Um Rune (Weapon) Uma x44 Um Rune (Helm) Ume x45 Um Rune (Shield) Umo x46 Mal Rune (Weapon) Mala x47 Mal Rune (Helm, Shield) Mali x48 Ist Rune (Weapon) Ista x49 Ist Rune (Helm, Shield) Isti x50 Gul Rune (Weapon) Gula x51 Gul Rune (Helm, Shield) Guli x52 Vex Rune (Weapon) Vexa x53 Vex Rune (Helm, Shield) Vexi x54 Ohm Rune (Weapon) Ohma x55 Ohm Rune (Helm, Shield) Ohmi x56 Lo Rune (Weapon) Loa x57 Lo Rune (Helm, Shield) Loi x58 Sur Rune (Weapon) Sura x59 Sur Rune (Helm) Sure x60 Sur Rune (Shield) Suro x61 Ber Rune (Weapon) Bera x62 Ber Rune (Helm, Shield) Beri x63 Jah Rune (Weapon) Jaha x64 Jah Rune (Helm) Jahe x65 Jah Rune (Shield) Jaho x66 Cham Rune (Weapon) Chama x67 Cham Rune (Helm, Shield) Chami x68 Zod Rune (Weapon, Helm, Shield) Zodu x69 Ski Rune (Weapon, Helm, Shield) Skiu x70 Extractors: Also known as the Greek Runes in gamble Screen... Alpha Rune (a) extract weapon stat Echo Rune (e) extract helm stat India Rune (i) extract helm,shield stat Omega Rune (o) extract shield stat Universal Rune (u) extract weapon, helm, shield stat Where can I get the extractors? You can only get them by gambling! The rune with a dollar ($) sign!. But the mercury pot is droppable... Here are the runewords that you can make: Runeword170 Ancient's Pledge= x18 x21 x15 Runeword171 Black = x22 x36 x07 Runeword44 Fury = x64 x51 x09 Runeword54 Holy Thunder = x09 x16 x19 x13 Runeword55 Honor = x25 x01 x11 x06 x27 Runeword65 King's Grace = x25 x16 x22 Runeword72 Leaf = x06 x16 Runeword74 Lionheart = x35 x37 x39 Runeword75 Lore = x20 x28 Runeword81 Malice = x11 x01 x09 Runeword82 Melody = x29 x38 x07 Runeword83 Memory = x37 x36 x27 x09 Runeword88 Nadir = x08 x06 Runeword116 Radiance = x08 x28 x12 Runeword120 Rhyme = x31 x10 Runeword126 Silence = x32 x03 x34 x49 x06 x53 Runeword128 Smoke = x08 x37 Runeword133 Stealth = x14 x10 Runeword134 Steel = x06 x01 Runeword139 Strength = x25 x06 Runeword154 Venom = x13 x32 x47 Runeword160 Wealth = x41 x38 x06 Runeword162 White = x32 x36 Runeword170 Zephyr = x19 x09 Fury Gem Words: Only 5 as of now but will add some more in later versions... Runeword172 Apocalypse(mele) = f43 f19 f18 Runeword173 Zeus(weap and glov) = f35 f25 Runeword174 Colaboration(armor) = f50 f72 f49 Runeword175 Purgatory(armor) = f32 f05 f06 f67 Runeword176 The Spoiler(helm & belts) = f30 f08 Before I forgot, Stealth now also works in boots Lore in Belts Strength in Gloves *Also, the items can now properly shift to different colors when you socket a rune Gamble: ========== You can now gamble class specific items including amulets *Gamble Runes (?) *Gamble Greek Runes ($) *Gamble Books *Gamble Scrolls *You can gamble them for a price! Themes: ======= Lots of new backgrounds including the loading screen etc... Inventory: ========== A new 10x8 Inventory *Thanks to Zhoulomcrist for clearing out some columns in inventory.txt* Hirelings: ========== New Skills develop by the hirelings. They are awesome but please give feedback about balancing issues... Act 1: Corrupt Rogues ============= Fire = Imp Fire Missile, Baal Inferno, Poison bolt, Bone Spear Cold = Baal Cold Missiles, Poison bolt, Bone spear Act 2: Mercenaries ================== Normal: Combat = Prayer, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo Wall, Decrepify Defense = Defiance, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo Fire, weaken Offensive = Might, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo wall, Iron Maiden Nightmare: Combat = Holy Freeze, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo Wall, Decrepify Defense = Cleansing, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo Fire, weaken Offensive = Holy Shock, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo wall, Iron Maiden Hell: Combat = Conviction, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo Wall, Decrepify Defense = Salvation, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo Fire, weaken Offensive = Fanaticism, Charge/Lightning strike, Diablo wall, Iron Maiden Act 3: Iron Wolfs ================= Fire = Baal Nova, Meteor, Volcano, Molten Boulder, Armageddon Cold = Frozen Orb, Blizzard, Hurricane, Ice Blast Lightning = Chain Lightning, Diablo Bone Prison, Thunderstorm, Fist of Heaven, Bonespirit Act 5: Barbarian Barbarian = Frenzy, Battle Orders, Berserk and Blade Shield Horadric Cube Recipes: ====================== *Runes can now be upgrded in only two(2) runes instead of three(3) up to Zod ex. r01 + r01 = r02... r32 + r32 = r33 *75 Fury Gems added to add powers to your favorite items... *Replaced new recipes and removed some of them... Better check it out to see what is working and not working now... any normal Item + Magical Chest + Blue key = Magical of same itemtype any normal Item + Magical Chest + Blue key = Magical of same itemtype any magic item + Rare Chest + yellow key = Rare of same itemtype any rare item + Unique Chest + Gold Key = Unique of same itemtype any rare item + Sets Chest + green key = Sets of same itemtype any magic item + Normal Chest + White key = Normal Item of same itemtype any rare item + Normal Chest + white key = Normal Item of same itemtype any set item + Normal Chest + white key = Normal item of same itemtype any crafted item + Normal Chest + white key = Normal item of same itemtype any unique item + Normal Chest + white key = Normal Item of same itemtype any rare druid pelt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 1 perfect topaz -> crafted +1 to dru, ac% 100 any rare druid pelt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect topaz -> crafted +2 to dru, ac% 150 any rare druid pelt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect topaz -> crafted +3 to dru, ac% 200 any rare primal helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect amethyst -> crafted primal helm + 1 to bar, ac% 100 any rare primal helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect amethyst -> crafted primal helm + 2 to bar, ac% 150 any rare primal helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect amethyst -> crafted primal helm + 3 to bar, ac% 200 any rare voodoo head + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect skull -> crafted voodoo head + 1 to nec, ac% 100 any rare voodoo head + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect skulls -> crafted voodoo head + 2 to necr, ac% 150 any rare voodoo head + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect skulls -> crafted voodoo head + 3 to bar, ac% 200 any rare amazon bow + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect emerald -> crafted amazon bow + 1 to ama, ac% 100 any rare amazon bow + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect emeralds -> crafted amazon bow + 2 to ama, ac% 150 any rare amazon bow + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect emeralds -> crafted amazon bow + 3 to ama, ac% 200 any rare amazon javelin + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect emerald -> crafted amazon javelin + 1 to ama, ac% 100 any rare amazon javelin + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect emeralds -> crafted amazon javelin + 2 to ama, ac% 150 any rare amazon javelin + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect emeralds -> crafted amazon javelin + 3 to ama, ac% 200 any rare amazon spear + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect emerald -> crafted amazon spear + 1 to ama, ac% 100 any rare amazon spear + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect emeralds -> crafted amazon spear 2 to ama, ac% 150" any rare amazon spear + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect emeralds -> crafted amazon spear 3 to ama, ac% 200" any rare claws + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect ruby -> crafted claws 1 to ass, ac% 100 any rare claws + Crafting Chest + Orange Key+ 2 perfect ruby -> crafted claws 2 to ass, ac% 150 any rare claws + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect ruby -> crafted claws 3 to ass, ac% 200 any rare auric shield + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect diamond -> crafted auric shield 1 to pal, ac% 100 any rare auric shield + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect diamonds -> crafted auric shield 2 to pal, ac% 150 any rare auric shield + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect diamonds -> crafted auric shield 3 to ama, ac% 200 any rare orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + perfect sapphire -> crafted orb 1 to sor, ac% 100 any rare orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 2 perfect sapphires -> crafted orb 2 to sor, ac% 150 any rare orb + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 3 perfect sapphires -> crafted orb 3 to sor, ac% 200 any set + perfect emerald = set of the same type rare jewel + r02 + r21 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel 200% dmg to Demons/Undead, +200 Attack vs Demon/Undead rare jewel + r23 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel Prevent Monster Heal + Magic Dmg reduce by 7 rare jewel + r25 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel 20% Bonus to Attack Rating + Max-resist-Poision +5% rare jewel + r26 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel 7% mana steal/hit + Max Fire resist +5 rare jewel + r28 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel 20% deadly strike + Max Lightning resist +5 rare jewel + r29 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel Hit Blinds Target + Max man 5% + 50 to mana rare jewel + r30 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel 20% Crushing blow + Dmg reduce by 8% rare jewel + r31 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel Slows Target 25% + Max Life 5% + 50 to Life rare jewel + r32 + Ceramic Pot = Crafted Jewel Freeze Target + Cannot be Frozen + Max Cold resist +5 rare jewel + f16 Amber + f17 Talc + f18 Gypsum + f19 Calcite + Ceramic Pot = elemental jew any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 1 Undead Heart = same item + 1 socket any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 2 Undead Heart = same item + 2 socket any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 3 Undead Heart = same item + 3 socket any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 4 Undead Heart = same item + 4 socket any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 5 Undead Heart = same item + 5 socket any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 6 Undead Heart = same item + 6 socket any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 7 Undead Heart = same item + 7 socket any normal item + Blacksmith Hammer + 8 Undead Heart = same item + 8 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 1 Undead Heart = same item + 1 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 2 Undead Heart = same item + 2 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 3 Undead Heart = same item + 3 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 4 Undead Heart = same item + 4 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 5 Undead Heart = same item + 5 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 6 Undead Heart = same item + 6 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 7 Undead Heart = same item + 7 socket any high quality item + Blacksmith Hammer + 8 Undead Heart = same item + 8 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 1 Undead Heart = same item + 1 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 2 Undead Heart = same item + 2 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 3 Undead Heart = same item + 3 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 4 Undead Heart = same item + 4 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 5 Undead Heart = same item + 5 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 6 Undead Heart = same item + 6 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 7 Undead Heart = same item + 7 socket any magic item + Blacksmith Hammer + 8 Undead Heart = same item + 8 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 1 Undead Heart = same item + 1 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 2 Undead Heart = same item + 2 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 3 Undead Heart = same item + 3 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 4 Undead Heart = same item + 4 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 5 Undead Heart = same item + 5 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 6 Undead Heart = same item + 6 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 7 Undead Heart = same item + 7 socket any rare item + Blacksmith Hammer + 8 Undead Heart = same item + 8 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 1 Demon Heart = same item + 1 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 2 Demon Heart = same item + 2 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 3 Demon Heart = same item + 3 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 4 Demon Heart = same item + 4 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 5 Demon Heart = same item + 5 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 6 Demon Heart = same item + 6 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 7 Demon Heart = same item + 7 socket any set item + Blacksmith Hammer + 8 Demon Heart = same item + 8 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 1 Demon Heart = same item + 1 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 2 Demon Heart = same item + 2 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 3 Demon Heart = same item + 3 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 4 Demon Heart = same item + 4 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 5 Demon Heart = same item + 5 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 6 Demon Heart = same item + 6 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 7 Demon Heart = same item + 7 socket any crafted item + Blacksmith Hammer + 8 Demon Heart = same item + 8 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 1 Demon Heart = same item + 1 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 2 Demon Heart = same item + 2 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 3 Demon Heart = same item + 3 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 4 Demon Heart = same item + 4 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 5 Demon Heart = same item + 5 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 6 Demon Heart = same item + 6 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 7 Demon Heart = same item + 7 socket any unique item + Blacksmith Hammer + 8 Demon Heart = same item + 8 socket Orb(magic) + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Mushroom + Psapphire = IAS 40, Increase Mana 20-40, Dmg 200-250% Orb(rare) + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Mushroom + 3 psapphire -> Sor skill 2-3, Mana/Kill 10-20, Dmg 250-300%, Indestruct 3 Rare rings + Ceramic Pot + pskull -> Uniq ring 3 Rare ammy + Ceramic Pot + pskull -> Uniq Ammy 3 Uniq rings -> Uniq Ammy 3 Uniq ammy -> Uniq Ring 3 rare rings = amulet rare 3 amulet rare= ring rare 3 Uniq Ring + 3 pskull + 1 zod + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Ring, Dual Leech 6-10 Both, All skills +1-2 3 Uniq ammy + 3 pskull + 1 zod + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Ammy, Dual Leech 6-10 Both, All skills +1-2 Weapon(rare) + f31 Feldspar + 3 Ohm + 3 Pskull + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Crafted 200-300 dmg weapon Rare ring + pskull + psapphire + f54 Ore + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Crafed 4-7 manaleech Rare ring + pskull + pruby + f27 Citrine + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Crafed 4-7 lifeleech Rare weapon + Ceramic Pot + Crafting chest + Orange Key + pskull -> 200-250% dmg weapon + IAS Rare armor + Crafting chest + Orange Key + r33 Zod -> 200-300 def + resist all 50 + fastest Hit recovery collussus sword + Crafting chest + Orange Key + Ohm r27 + r28 Lo -> 250-300dmg + Deadly/lvl + IAS Weapon + 3 psapphire + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> 300-400 Cold dmg weapon Weapon + 3 pruby + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> 600-800 fire dmg weapon Weapon + 3 ptopaz + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> 1-1100 ltng dmg weapon Weapon + 3 emerald + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> 1000-1500 poison dmg Weapon + 3 pdiamond + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Fire/Ltng/Cold/Poison dmg weapon Rare armor + Wolfskin + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> 200-300% Defence Armor Uniq ring + r29 sur + r33 Zod + mushroom -> Skills 1-2, Necroskill + 2, mana +50%, fastest cast Uniq ammy + r29 Sur + r33 Zod + mushroom -> Skills 1-2, Necroskill + 2-3 , mana +50%, fastest cast rare Small Charm + f16 Amber + f17 Talc + f18 Gypsum + f19 Calcite +Ceramic Pot -> Crafted charm 5-30fire + 1-50 lightnin + 5-15 cold rare Large Charm + f16 Amber + f17 Talc + f18 Gypsum + f19 Calcite +2 Ceramic Pot-> Crafted charm 10-120 lightnin + 15-70 fire + 15-40 cold rare Grand Charm + f16 Amber + f17 Talc + f18 Gypsum + f19 Calcite +3 Ceramic Pot-> Crafted charm 30-250 lightnin + 50-150 fire + 40-100 cold Low Quality Weap + Blacksmith Hammer -> Normal Uniq ring + Rock + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Crafted ring +1 skills + allresist 15-20 Uniq Ammy + Rock + Crafting chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Ammy +1 skills + resist all 30-40 Low Quality Armor + Blacksmith Hammer -> Normal Armor Normal Armor + Blacksmith Hammer + Anvil -> Superior Armor Normal weapon + Blacksmith Hammer + Anvil -> Hi quality weapon Gidbinn + 2 p.skull + Mushroom -> 500% dmg dagger + IAS +2 all skills, +5 Poison Dagger skill Ear + Mushroom + pskull -> Large Charm +25 magic find + 200% gold from Monsters Grand Charm + Pul r21 + Eld r02 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted charm 200% dmg to Demons/Undead, +200 Attack vs Demon/Undead Grand Charm + Mal r23 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm Prevent Monster Heal + Magic Dmg reduce by 7 Grand Charm + Gul r25 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm 20% Bonus to Attack Rating + Max-resist-Poision +5% Grand Charm + Vex r26 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm 7% mana steal/hit + Max Fire resist +5 Grand Charm + Lo r28 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm 20% deadly strike + Max Lightning resist +5 Grand Charm + Sur r29 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm Hit Blinds Target + Max man 5% + 50 to mana Grand Charm + Ber r30 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm 20% Crushing blow + Dmg reduce by 8% Grand Charm + Jo r31 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm Slows Target 25% + Max Life 5% + 50 to Life Grand Charm + Cham r32 + Flasked Oil + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Crafted Grand charm Freeze Target + Cannot be Frozen + Max Cold resist +5 Maid/Cere/Matr spear/pike + pskull + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Same type + 250-300% dmg + IAS +2 amazon skills, +2 Jav/spear skills Maid/Cere/Matr Javelin + pskull + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Same Type + 250-300% dmg + IAS +2 all amazon skills, +2 Javelin/spear skills Rare Spear/Pike/Lance (Nor/Excpl/Elite) + pskull + Crafting Chest + Orange Key -> Same Type + 250-300% dmg + IAS +2 Barbarian Combat skills Uniq ring + r33 Zod + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + 5 pskull + -> Ring Necroskill + 1-2, fastest cast, +10-15 mana after kill, 30-50% mana regen Rare Helm + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> Crafted Helm +1-2 all skills, resist all 10-15, magic find 30-50, magic dmg reduced by 10-15 Rare Armor + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> Crafted Armor +1-2 all skills, resist all 25-40, magic find 30-50, Fastest hit recovery Rare Boot + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> Crafted Boot +1 all skills, resist all 10-15, magic find 30-50, Fastest Walk/Run Rare Glove + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> Crafted Glove +1 all skills, resist all 10-15, magic find 30-50, IAS Rare Belt + Crafting Chest + Orange Key + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> Crafted Belt +1 all skills, resist all 10-15, magic find 30-50, dmg reduce by 10-15% Ethereal Items + cham rune(r32) + Anvil + Blacksmith Hammer -> same item (indest) Normal Item + Blacksmith Hammer + Anvil + Normal Chest + White Key + Black Oil + Creamic Pot -> Normal Ethereal of the same type Magic Item + Blacksmith Hammer + Anvil + Magical Chest + Blue Key + Black Oil + Creamic Pot -> Magic Ethereal of the same type Rare Item + Blacksmith Hammer + Anvil + Rare Chest + Yellow Key + Black Oil + Creamic Pot -> Rare Ethereal of the same type Unique Item + Blacksmith Hammer + Anvil + Unique Chest + Gold Key + Black Oil + Creamic Pot -> Unique Ethereal of the same type Useful Recipes: =============== Any Book (Auric/Summoning/Masteries) + Scarab = Random magic of same type Rune + Greek Runes + Mercury Pot = Extracted Runes Book (Auric/Summoner's/Masteries) + Scroll (Auric/Summoner's/Masteries) = Random Book (+l level) up to level 20 Note:Removed the quest crafts and set crafts and the Enhanced damage Jewel recipe! Item Drops: =========== -Some monsters have specific random full set drops!. But you have to earn them... -removed the selling gems on all vendors... -Increased drop rate of runes... -slightly decreased drop rate of Fury Gems and altered the Fgem selling price... -increased dropping of rare jewels and charms... Monster Drops: ============== -The Elder in NM - Drops Random Expansion Full Set in Nightmare (try your luck!) -The Elder in Hell - Drops Random Fury Within Full Set in Hell (try your luck!!!) -Butcher in Normal - Drops Random Classic Full set in Normal (This Guy is Tough!) -Zann Esu in Hell - Drops Random Class Specific Unique Amulets and Rings... -Prietesses in Drifter Cavern (Act5) drops lots of treasures (amulets, rings, fury gems, charms, etc.). But be careful fighting them, it will not that too easy... Be sure that you have max resist before entering this... Miscellaneous: ============== -removed socketed charms... -added 75 new Fury Gems -added new class specific amulets and rings!!!... -added 50 different books! that carries magical skills which you can upgrade up to level 20! Now you can see pally with an army and a barb having an aura Here are the books: Book of Ravens Book of Poison Creeper Book of Minion Mastery Book of Ghost Book of Oak Sage Book of Spirit Wolf Book of Clay Golem Book of Carrion Vine Book of Golem Mastery Book of Mummified Traitor Book of Heart of Wolverine Book of Dire Wolf Book of Blood Golem Book of Solar Creeper Book of Summon Resist Book of Iron Golem Book of Spirit of Barbs Book of Summon Grizzly Book of Fire Golem Book of Revive Book of Sword Mastery Book of Axe Mastery Book of Mace Mastery Book of Polearm Mastery Book of Throwing Mastery Book of Spear Mastery Book of Cold Mastery Book of Lightning Mastery Book of Fire Mastery Book of Warmth Book of Might Book of Prayer Book of Resist Fire Book of Holy Fire Book of Thorns Book of Defiance Book of Resist Cold Book of Blessed Aim Book of Cleansing Book of Resist Lightning Book of Concentration Book of Holy Freeze Book of Vigor Book of Holy Shock Book of Sanctuary Book of Meditation Book of Fanaticism Book of Conviction Book of Redemption Book of Salvation Monster Stats: ============== -Monster HP was x6 -New monsters (you can visit our site to have a glimpse for those new monsters) I think their are approximately 20 -new monsters including the butcher, King Leoric, The Bear, Fire Gore etc... -New monsters added to replace Smith gfx, etc... -A very Big Surprise Appearance of The Elder in Last level of underground... Be carefull with him... He is tough than ever! -Reduce Elders, Priestess and butcher's HP -increased all monster damages -Twisted Corpsefire now located in Cave level 2 -Added 4 new superuniques Magma Torquer and Shockwave in Forge Ice golem twins (Phrozen The Shock and Pete The Avalanche) in mountaintop *Be careful with the new guys! Set Items: ========== -Visit Our Site For This One... There are lots of new Fury set items... 3 of each class, 1 each for hirelings and 5 for Generic chars...I didnt remove the old ones;) but I've reduced their Required levels to wear them at early stage... Unique Items ============ Lots of new uniques!!! visit our website for this one... Ooops! havent updated yet! Sowi... Added new class specific unique rings and amulets... -Leighann Jewel is now a small charm... Here are the Set names: Kill The Elder in Hell to get a full set of this Randomly BUt it will not that easy though... Ass =========== Zen Master The Entrapment The Claw Viper Druid ============ The Aloof Klaan's Spirit The Elements Paladin ========== Aristeo's Glory The Archangel's Smite Aragorn's Temple Sorc ============== The Latin Hymn Fiona's Heritage Lara's Battle Gear Necromancer ================ Poisonous Blood The Unclean One The Bone Venom Barbarian =================== Madawc's Hate Arreat's Mohicans The Ancients Amazon ================= Kindred's Mistress Dahlia's Grace Gabriella's Heroic Act Generic ==================== Traveller's Asset Athena's Rival Ranger's Alliance The Adept's Canopy The Countess' Treasures Hirelings ====================== Kashya's Priority Greiz's Courage Asheara's Wolfs Qual-Kehk's Bravery Skills: ======= Revamp all Skills in terms of damage, mana, etc. to cope up in 4 player simulation (see our Homepage for this) Skill Graphics??? Lots of new Skill Graphics... Visit our site for the Screenshots... Lots of them were kewl!!! Boosted Druid and Necro a bit... He can raise Ghost and Chaos Mage Now... Too lazy to post it all here... Maps: =================== Act1: ====== The same as v1.01 but this time there's an ice caves that connects on every caves in Act 1 New Burial Ground! with bloody theme! Dark Dark Wood! *Thanks to Alkalund for clearing out some columns in levels.txt* Act2 ====== Same as v1.01 but the reduced the maze in secret Tunnel (Ancient Tunnels) Act3 ======= Note : There's a shortcut in Spider Forest all the way to Kurast bazaar and upper kurast.... So same as v1.01 Act4: =============== No Need! Act5: =============== Same maps as in v1.01 either! Altered Arreat Summit with The Ice Golem Twins! They Rock! *Thanks to Paul Siramy for his awesome tool for altering maps!* Credits: *Special Thanks To: PhrozenHeart Iowan JBouley The Acolyte Teknokyo Zhoulomcrist RicFaith Darkmage *We Would Like To Thank these folks for their Tools, Tutorials and Plugins: Jordan Russel Myhrginoc Sir_General Alkalund Apocalypse Demon Jarulf Paul Siramy NefariuosDX Joel Foxbat Perfect Cell Incandescent One Har'lea'quinn Riparious spin 54x NNy/MPHG RexxLaww Novus Sub-Sanity Khan Varaya Baldrick Clannad Novus Ruvanal Isolde Isilweo Quantum Christian Maas Telamon Darkstorm Keto Nitro Janne Klay And others: Please visit the Credits Menu which has been included in the mod! ************For More Infos, visit our site******************* http://www.planetdiablo.com/ancients/ http://ancients.d2mods.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End Features List ----------------------------------------------------------------------